Author: Cait Kennedy

Caitlin is a sweater enthusiast, film critic, and lean, mean writing machine based in Austin, TX. Her love of film began with being shown Rosemary’s Baby at a particularly impressionable age and she’s been hooked ever since. She loves a good bourbon and hates people who talk in movies. Caitlin has been writing since 2014 and you can find her work on Film Inquiry, The Financial Diet, Nightmarish Conjurings, and many others. Follow her on Twitter at @CaitDoes.

In the distant future of After Blue (Dirty Paradise), humankind has abandoned Earth and found sanctuary on an untamed and bizarre planet. Men are not suited to the harsh new environment, leaving behind women as the planet’s masters and survivors. The women of After Blue lead brutal and unforgiving lives, in their pseudo-Wild West society. After Blue tells the story of a lonely teenager named Roxy and her mother Zora. When Roxy unwittingly releases a dangerous assassin from her prison, Roxy and her mother are held accountable for the death and destruction that follows. The mother-daughter duo is charged by…

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