Fire Force Episode 6 is a shonen anime produced by David Production. With the fires across the city frozen into a giant pillar, the Fire Force is free to pursue the agents of the Evangelist. But with Shinra on his last leg from his prolonged battle with Charon can he keep them from escaping till help can arrive? And once the dust settles from their battle what can the Fire Force do to prepare for their next meeting with their invisible foe.
With the new season’s first big battle wrapping up Fire Force Episode 6 tells a transitional story. The first portion of the story puts the weight of it’s focus on Inca. As she makes her final choice on which side to join we get a larger glimpse into her distorted reality.
Once her decision is done, both sides fall back and take stock of the situation. It is quickly decided that the Fire Force cannot let the Evangelist continue to control the initiative. He got the drop on them because he has a vastly more thorough knowledge of the situation. The combined stations come to the conclusion that they cannot let this situation stand.

With a mixed team from several different stations brought together, including Station 8’s own Victor, Shinra, Arthur and Tamaki, the new special team set out to unravel the mystery of the Great Catastrophe and the adolla bursts. I won’t spoil their first stop, but it has me extremely excited. Their chosen destination continues to reinforce this season’s push into expanding the world of Fire Force. And while I look forward to this new adventure I hope we get to continue spending time with the members of the team left behind as well.
Before the team sets out Fire Force Episode 6 takes a moment to further solidify Tamaki’s renewed role as a sister. Seen partaking in a ritual cleansing ( the one that was featured in season one’s original closing credits) she shares some moments with Iris as she settles into this position. I’m happy to see this is going to be an ongoing role for Tamaki to play. With Shinra and Arthur established as the team’s heavy hitters it would’ve been sad for the character to be reduced to nothing more than a comedic foil. I hope the writers use her new position to add some more layers to her character.
The art continued to provide all the quality any returning viewer could expect from the series. The continued exploration of Inca’s psyche, in particular, continues to provide opportunities for some, particularly unique visuals. The continued visual quality has my hopes high for some great new designs as the special team heads off on its mission.
Overall, Fire Force Episode 6 provided a necessary breather for the story. With the last several episodes monopolized by the action, the season needed a slower moment to let its characters breathe. Couple that with the exciting new direction promised for the next couple episodes and this week’s installment was exactly what the series needed.
Fire Force Episode 6 is streaming now on Funimation and Crunchyroll.
Fire Force Episode 6
Fire Force Episode 6 provided a necessary breather for the story. With the last several episodes monopolized by the action, the season needed a slower moment to let its characters breathe. Couple that with the exciting new direction promised for the next couple episodes and this week’s installment was exactly what the series needed.